pond slider

Scientific name Trachemys scripta
Descriptor Schoepff
Year of description 1792
IUCN category (World) LC
Family Emydidae
Genus Trachemys
Trachemys scripta Trachemys scripta


Trachemys scripta is a freshwater turtle, native to the southeastern United States. This species is invasive in many countries around the world. This situation is due to its strong popularity in pet stores during the second half of the 20th century.

This trend combined with a remarkable reproductive adaptation potential has made its establishment possible in all temperate and subtropical areas where it has been introduced.

Who is it?


  • Type
  • Size
    12 - 28 cm
  • Weight
    2 - 3 kg
  • Longevity
    15 year
  • Type
  • Size
    12 - 28 cm
  • Weight
    2 - 3 kg
  • Longevity
    15 year

How to recognize the pond slider ?

This species is recognizable by the red to orange band located behind the eye. This mark may disappear with age in some individuals.

The shell of adults is relatively smooth unlike that of juveniles which has a slight vertebral keel. The color is brown-green. The plastron is yellow, juveniles have ring-shaped spots in green and yellow. These spots become completely green as they grow.

The body is marbled yellow and green.

Sexual dimorphism

As with most turtles, males have a more concave plastron than females, facilitating reproduction. The claws of males are long and curved unlike those of females which are straight and short.

The tail of males is larger than that of females.

Behaviour & Life cycle

  • Sociability
    living in a group or alone
  • Way of living
  • Venomous
  • Diet

Pond sliders spend most of their time basking in the sun out of the water. This omnivorous species feeds on amphibians, fish, aquatic invertebrates, crustaceans, but also plants and fruits.


  • Reproduction
  • Clutch size
    10 - 23 eggs

Males reach maturity at the age of two years and females at three years. The breeding season extends from April to June just after hibernation. A female can lay eggs one to two times during this period.

During mating, the male initiates a courtship by placing himself in front of the female, arms forward, palms outward. He then vibrates his claws by touching the head of the female. After this, the female determines if she will mate with her suitor. Copulation takes place in the water. The smaller male climbs on the back of the female. His long claws allow him to grip onto the female's back to facilitate penetration of the penis into the female's cloaca.

The eggs are deposited in a hole about fifteen centimeters deep on the banks, usually at the end of the day. The female lays between 2 and 23 eggs of about 3 cm with an average weight of 9 grams.

As with many reptiles, the incubation temperature determines the sex of the young turtle. Below 27 °C, the young are males, above 29 °C, females. The range provides a balanced male/female birth ratio.

In captivity, the reference incubation time is 60 days for a fixed temperature of 30 °C. As the temperature is variable in nature, the incubation time is generally longer than 2 months.

At birth, the young turtle is barely over 3 cm and weighs only 5 grams. The size of the young doubles in the first year, then growth slows down the following year.

Harmless species

There are Zoonoses for this species: cases of salmonellosis from turtles kept in captivity have been diagnosed in humans.

Where to find it?

Conservation status of populations (IUCN)

World : LC

Geographic distribution & Conservation

According to the Center for Invasive Species Research, although this species is invasive, it may not necessarily present food competition or impacts on the biomass of local fauna.

Food competition is therefore not the primary cause of the decrease in the number of other reptiles such as the European pond turtle. In addition to food competition, the pond slider is likely to transmit parasites and diseases to indigenous turtles.

Where to see this species?

What is its habitat?

Natural environment characteristics

  • Temperature
    10 - 37 °C
  • Flow

Biotope presentation

This species frequents stagnant waters of lakes and ponds.

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Sources & Contributions

Participation & Validation

The Fishipedia team and specialist contributors are committed to providing high-quality content. However, although the information comes from scientific sources or testimonials from specialists, the cards may contain inaccuracies.


Translation done with the valuable contribution of our translators, who make this information available to a wider audience. We sincerely thank them for their commitment.

Bibliographic references

The reproductive ecology of exotic Trachemys scripta elegans in an invaded area of southern Europe - Pérez-Santigosa, N. - Díaz-Paniagua, Carmen - Hidalgo-Vila, J. - John Wiley & Sons - 2008.

Successful reproduction of the introduced slider turtle (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the South of France - ANTOINE CADI - VIRGINIE DELMAS - ANNE-CAROLINE PREVOT- JULLIARD - PIERRE JOLY - CLAUDE PIEAU - MARC GIRONDOT - WILEY - 2004.

Natural history notes on nesting, nests, and hatchling emergence in the red-eared slider turtle, trachemys scripta elegans, in west-central Illinois - Tucker, John K. - Illinois Natural History Survey - 1997.

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