Discover molluscs of the genus Sepioteuthis

Who are Sepioteuthis ?

Species of the Sepioteuthis genus are squids living in tropical and subtropical reefs. They have many similarities with cuttlefish but are easily distinguished by the presence of a Gladius instead of a bone. What's more, unlike cuttlefish, these species cannot retract their tentacles. "Sepioteuthis" is deliberately close to the word "Sepia" because these squids have a large and thin fin that can cause confusion with some cuttlefish.

As for other squids, the eyes are dominating and give this species an excellent night vision. They are for that matter impressive night hunters. During the day, they stay hidden in the sandy bottoms. Like many cephalopods, they can change color to camouflage themselves or intimidate an intruder. Their main preys are fishes from shoals, such as anchovies or sardines.

Freshly hatched squids are carried away by sea currents in shallow waters. Juveniles and young adults develop in sea grass beds and reefs, while adults live in deeper waters, sometimes up to more than 100 meters deep.

In 2020 there are 3 described species : S. lessoniana, S. australis et S. sepioidea.

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