Discover fishes of the genus Dicentrarchus

The species of the genus Dicentrarchus are commonly called "european seabass" or "sea bass." They belong to the family moronidae. There are currently two species related to this genus: Dicentrarchus labrax (european seabass) and Dicentrarchus punctatus (spotted seabass).
European seabass are medium to large-sized fish (40 to 70 centimeters), with a fusiform body, slightly compressed on the sides. The largest specimens reach 1 meter in length and 15 kilograms in weight.
They are silvery or spotted, always in shades of gray. They are often found in schools in rocky areas in shallow coastal waters (less than 100 meters).
They are predators with a broad head and like to hide in currents to ambush their prey. They have two dorsal fins, the first of which has spines that can surprise fishermen. The pectoral fins are long and pointed. Three spines are present on the anal fin.
These species are frequently consumed, and their population is declining.