annular seabream

Scientific name Diplodus annularis
Descriptor Linnaeus
Year of description 1758
IUCN category (World) LC
Family Sparidae
Genus Diplodus
Diplodus annularis Diplodus annularis


The annular seabream, Diplodus annularis, is found on the east coast of the Atlantic Ocean, from Mauritania to Brittany. It is also present in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.

Its abundance varies depending on the regions and fishing pressure. Easily observed from the surface, it is a good indicator of the quality of coastal marine ecosystems.

Who is it?


  • Type
  • Average size
    13 cm
  • Maximum size
    28 cm
  • Shape
  • Pattern
  • Type
  • Average size
    13 cm
  • Maximum size
    28 cm
  • Shape
  • Pattern

How to recognize This fish ?

The annular seabream has a flat, oval body. It ranges in size from 12 to 27.5 centimeters.

The coloration is light gray with silvery and greenish reflections, the top of the head and the base of the caudal fin are slightly yellowish. The pelvic fins are yellow as well as the first rays of the anal fin. A black spot is present on the caudal peduncle.

Juveniles are generally yellow. This color gives way to silvery gray as they grow (from tail to head).

Sexual dimorphism

Male and female are not easily distinguishable. Although the sexes are separate, cases of protandrous hermaphroditism have been reported.

Behaviour & Life cycle

  • diet
  • Sociability
    living in a group or alone
  • territorial
  • Way of living

The annular seabream generally lives in small groups. It is sometimes observed alone. It is a territorial fish and it is not uncommon to observe fights between two specimens.

In nature, this small predator feeds on mussels and other invertebrates in rocky areas. The powerful dentition of this species allows it to break shells and sea urchins.


Sexual maturity occurs at around 2 years, with a size of about 10 centimeters.

Spawning depends on the water temperature. It occurs from April to June for Atlantic populations and until July-September for Black Sea populations.

The larvae are planktonic and juveniles are observable up to 15 meters deep.

Harmless species

This species does not pose a particular danger to humans if encountered in its natural environment.

Origin and distribution

Geographic distribution & Conservation

No text specifying distribution and conservation

Conservation status of populations (IUCN)

World : LC

Where to see this species?

What is its habitat?

Natural environment characteristics

  • Depth
    0 - 90 m
  • Flow

Biotope presentation

The annular seabream is most commonly found at depths less than 90 meters. It is common at shallow depths (10-15 meters) and can be observed near the surface.

This species lives near rocky areas and above seagrass beds. Annular seabream can also be observed in lagoons and ports.

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Sources & Contributions

Participation & Validation

The Fishipedia team and specialist contributors are committed to providing high-quality content. However, although the information comes from scientific sources or testimonials from specialists, the cards may contain inaccuracies.

Adrien Falzon

Adrien Falzon

Benoit Chartrer

Benoit Chartrer

Julie Magnus

Julie Magnus


Translation done with the valuable contribution of our translators, who make this information available to a wider audience. We sincerely thank them for their commitment.

Bibliographic references

Reproductive biology of four Diplodusspecies Diplodus vulgaris, D. annularis,D. sargus sargus and D. puntazzo (Sparidae)in the Gulf of Tunis (central Mediterranean) - N. Mouine - P. Francour - M.H. Ktari - N. Chakroun-Marzouk - Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom - 2012.

SPARIDAE - K.E. Carpenter - FAO Fisheries Synopsis - 0.

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Template and content © Fishipedia - Unauthorized reproduction without prior request - ISSN 2270-7247 - Last modification 12/11/2023

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