silky shark

Scientific name Carcharhinus falciformis
Descriptor Müller & Henle
Year of description 1839
IUCN category (World) VU
Family Carcharhinidae
Genus Carcharhinus
Carcharhinus falciformis Carcharhinus falciformis


The silky shark is found in all tropical and subtropical seas and oceans. This shark is among the fish most affected by overfishing. It is listed as vulnerable by the IUCN.

Who is it?


  • Type
  • Average size
    200 cm
  • Maximum size
    260 cm
  • Longevity
    25 year
  • Shape
  • Type
  • Average size
    200 cm
  • Maximum size
    260 cm
  • Longevity
    25 year
  • Shape

How to recognize This fish ?

The body is elongated and slender, with a gray back and white belly. The head is pointed with a broad nose, the pectoral fins are long and triangular. The first dorsal fin is short, and its position behind the pectoral fins is characteristic of this species. An interdorsal ridge is present.

The caudal fin is heterocercal with a notch on the upper part.

The eyes are large, the teeth are oblique and serrated.

Sexual dimorphism

The male has a pair of claspers, reproductive organs resulting from the modification of the pelvic fins, used to fertilize the female.

Behaviour & Life cycle

  • diet
  • Sociability
  • territorial
  • Way of living

The silky shark is a solitary fish. It is a major predator in its habitat, feeding primarily on fish, mollusks, and crustaceans.

It is a fast, agile, and aggressive species.


  • Reproduction
  • Migratory species

The silky shark is viviparous and seems to reproduce annually, without seasonality. The female gives birth to 2 to 15 pups ranging from 55 to 72 cm.

Risks for humans

  • Venomous
  • Bite

This species has a significant dentition and may bite if it feels threatened. It is important to be especially vigilant, particularly during dives or fishing sessions.

Origin and distribution

Conservation status of populations (IUCN)

World : VU

What is its habitat?

Natural environment characteristics

  • Temperature
    24 - 28 °C
  • Depth
    1 - 500 m
  • Environment
    Active pelagic

Biotope presentation

The silky shark is epipelagic, found both in deep water and near oceanic drop-offs and coastal areas. It is regularly seen among schools of tuna.

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The Fishipedia team and specialist contributors are committed to providing high-quality content. However, although the information comes from scientific sources or testimonials from specialists, the cards may contain inaccuracies.

Adrien Falzon

Adrien Falzon

Benoit Chartrer

Benoit Chartrer


Translation done with the valuable contribution of our translators, who make this information available to a wider audience. We sincerely thank them for their commitment.

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Template and content © Fishipedia - Unauthorized reproduction without prior request - ISSN 2270-7247 - Last modification 30/11/2023

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