The JBL / Fishipedia Collaboration

In 1960, Joachim Böhme opened a small pet store in Ludwigshafen and created the medication Punktol against the ‘white spot disease,’ thus launching the JBL brand. Today, the company, led by his granddaughter Stella Kaltenmeier-Boehme, is a major international supplier of products for aquariums, terrariums, and garden ponds, headquartered in Neuhofen and distributed in 65 countries.

Since 2023, JBL and Fishipedia have been collaborating on various projects related to fish nutrition, research, naturalist exploration, and documentation of aquatic ecosystems.

« Fishipedia showcases and recommends the JBL PRONOVO food range for its quality and eco-design. JBL has been a pioneer in introducing eco-refills for food. Additionally, all packaging materials, including boxes, seals, labels, and lids, in the range are made from a single material, enhancing recyclability. »

« Our goal is for the animals to feel so comfortable in the aquarium, terrarium, or pond that we can increase their populations, and that the collection of animals from nature can be further reduced. However, to achieve this goal, basic and biotope research is essential. » – Roland Böhme

Naturalistic exploration and data collection from natural habitats.
« In 2001, the first naturalistic expedition organized by JBL took place. »

JBL and research

To stay true to its motto ‘Ahead through research’ JBL develops its products based on precise information about the lifestyle and habitats of animals. The company has its own research center with experienced scientists, organizes annual expeditions to natural habitats, and collaborates with leading scientific institutions as well as breeders, public aquariums, zoos, and importers to enrich its knowledge and innovate.

Laboratory research

The JBL research center, located in Neuhofen, is the hub of the company’s fundamental research. It houses numerous aquariums, terrariums, and ponds where scientists can practically test theories on the nutritional and environmental needs of animals. This laboratory enables the transformation of theoretical data into practical solutions directly applicable to JBL products.

Field research

In addition to laboratory research, JBL organizes field research expeditions to the natural habitats of ornamental fish and terrarium animals worldwide. During these expeditions, researchers conduct detailed analyses of habitats, measuring various parameters such as water quality, UV radiation, lighting, and water flow. For terrestrial studies, they measure air humidity and temperature, as well as the effects of sunlight on different surfaces.

JBL, a committed player in sustainable development

Reduction of energy impact and waste

JBL has taken significant measures to save energy and reduce its carbon footprint. By introducing the first refill for ornamental fish food, the company initiated an ecological approach that extended to the use of fuel-efficient cars for its field representatives and the installation of massive solar panels on the roofs of its factory in Neuhofen. These initiatives result in substantial savings, particularly by reducing transportation needs: one truck of refill sachets replaces 17 trucks of hard packaging boxes, thus reducing CO2 emissions by 94% during transportation.

JBL warehouses and offices equipped with photovoltaic panels
Ecorefills for the PRONOVO food range (featured on Fishipedia)

Natural resources

JBL places great importance on preserving natural resources, particularly fish stocks in the oceans. To produce fish food, JBL exclusively uses production leftovers from fish fillets intended for human consumption, ensuring high-quality protein without the need to catch new fish. This responsible production takes place in France, avoiding long maritime transportation routes. JBL rejects the use of whole fish from threatened fish stocks and prioritizes short transportation routes to protect the environment.

Participation in biodiversity projects

The company supports various conservation projects, such as coral reef conservation in the Caribbean and shark protection, which are essential for the stability of marine ecosystems. JBL also finances local initiatives such as the retrieval of ghost nets in the North Sea. JBL’s research expeditions have led to partnerships with local conservation projects, which the company continues to support upon their return, including the Rio Claro Nature Reserve in Colombia.

JBL : Les expéditions naturalistes

Every year, JBL organizes expeditions to the countries of origin of aquarium fish and terrarium animals to collect data on their habitats and observe their lifestyles. Nature enthusiasts can join the JBL research team for these trips, which require good physical condition and a deep respect for nature.

These expeditions, far from being relaxing vacations, often take place in rudimentary conditions. To participate, one simply needs to fill out a registration form and send it to JBL along with a photo.

La participation aux projets de conservation

Project Yaku Nawi

Ecuador, 2024 – ongoing

Coordination of wildlife inventories with a Kichwa community.

JBL’s actions: Sending equipment / Supporting research.

Yaku pacha project

Peru, 2023 – ongoing

Expeditions and support in structure development.

JBL’s actions: Support for the Urku Center, organization of the 2025 Peru expedition.

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